CloseCell Message
on closeCell [<row>] [,<col>]
end closeCell
Sent to an unlocked dataSheet
A closeCell message is generated when the cursor leaves a previously selected dataSheet cell whose contents have changed. The message includes two optional integer parameters, <row> and <col>, which indicate the region of the dataSheet that the cursor left. The upper left cell of the dataSheet has a <row> of 1 and a <col> of 1. Note that this message is not sent if the data in the cell remains unchanged since it was opened.
This message is sent only in Browse mode.
Add the following handler to a dataSheet object:
on closeCell closeRow, closeCol
answer "The contents of cell (" & closeRow &"," & closeCol & ") have changed" with "OK"
end closeCell
Whenever the user leaves a cell that has been modified, this handler displays a dialog box informing him or her that the contents have been changed.
The following datasheet handler copies the contents of the current cell into a cell of the same row and column number residing on the background:
on closeCell rownum, colnum
cell rownum, column of bg datasheet 1 end closeCell
This text has been mechanically extracted from the Oracle Media Objects MediaTalk Reference, © 1995 Oracle Corporation, and is provided here solely for educational/historical purposes.